Monday, February 10, 2020

Lemon Water: "Hydrating with a Kick"

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(Health, Wellness and Awareness 111: Image by Markéta Peršínová from Pixabay)

In hydrating our body, oftentimes we ought to consume the ones that have the most refreshing flavors such as sodas or other sugary drinks which are not that good to our health. Hydration is an important factor in our body's normal function. In our today's topic, "What if the fluid that you'll drink won't only hydrate you but will also do things that you never expected?"...

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(Health, Wellness and Awareness 111: Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay)

Well, let me introduce to you one of the most wonderful refreshing drink packed with an enormous amount of health benefits - lemon water (one of the best fluids for detox). Drinking this healthy concoction is like hitting two birds with one stone. It's not just hydration that you will get with this drink, it will also aid your body in detoxification which sustains our health and wellness. With the richness of lemon in vitamin C and other antioxidants, you will have a daily dose of body immunity, if you consume it regularly.

Note: Lemon water is not advisable for those suffering from hyperacidity and acid reflux.

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(Health, Wellness and Awareness 111: Image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay)

Other benefits of lemon water include its property to combat a high level of uric acid that causes gouty arthritis. It also aids in digestion and is believed to contribute to weight loss, in fact, according to medicalnewstoday, "Lemons contain a type of fiber called pectin, which helps reduce your appetite and calorie intake".

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(Health, Wellness and Awareness 111: Image by Tumisu from Pixabay)

With some of the most important benefits of lemon water being said however, there are also things that you have to remember. Of course, everything too much is bad and one of the risks of drinking too much lemon water which I, myself have experienced in the past is the effect on tooth health. This is because lemon contains acid that damages tooth enamel which can lead to dental problems. According to several articles that I have read, after drinking lemon water, it would be better if you would rinse your mouth to remove the acid that may harm your teeth, and it is also advised not to brush your teeth for 30 minutes after drinking lemon water.

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(Health, Wellness and Awareness 111: Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay)

But don't you worry because that only happens if you drink too much, so the key is moderation and awareness. 

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(Health, Wellness and Awareness 111: Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay)


  1. This is really informative and worth reading the post. Thanks for the valuable information. Keep sharing. Check also: Benefits of Rosewater .

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