Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Wellness in Yogurt

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(Health, Wellness and Awareness 104: Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay)

Gut health is definitely one of the most important things that every one of us should be aware of. During my elementary school days and even in high school, trouble with my tummy often comes up with my morning breakfast. Whenever I drink milk, my stomach doesn't fail to express its wrath. This experience in the past is definitely uncomfortable especially when there are times that I've got to go to field trips or travel.

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(Health, Wellness and Awareness 104: Image by Christian Dorn from Pixabay)

But as the days have gone by, I've learned to use curiosity about what lies behind this stomach mood swing. Until I found out through research about the word "lactose intolerance", that there are real people who are born with a stomach that makes it hard to break down the lactose in milk which may result in diarrhea. And so I became conscious about how I can sustain the health of my tummy. I started reading for articles and made researches on foods that improve gut health. This is when I came across with Yogurt. 

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(Health, Wellness and Awareness 104: Image by Terri Cnudde from Pixabay)

By definition, Yogurt is cultured milk, which means it has gone through fermentation. If we can remember our biology subject on our high school study, through fermentation, the bacterias which are the main component of the process produce lactic acid which is exactly what made the fermented milk sour. And this taste makes yogurt the uniqueness that makes those who taste it for the first time to come back over and over again. Don't worry because these bacterias in yogurt are the good ones and they will aid in digestion and in keeping the gut healthy. 

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(Health, Wellness and Awareness 104: Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay)

Thus I hope this information has spread awareness on how we can keep our tummy happy because it is one of the important factors of the quality of our health and wellness.

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